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Hot Girl Summer

We asked what it has meant to you...

It’s going to be a ‘Hot Girl Summer' was all we heard before the heavy temperatures set in. But looking back, what has ‘Hot Girl Summer’ really meant? Navigating 2021 as we re-emerged from a year that changed us all - in very different ways.

Here’s what our community had to say...

It means not caring - being unnapologietically me. Not caring about looking “hot”, or being “a girl”, or when summer ends. Focused on good vibes all year.

It is having fun no matter where I am or what happened earlier that day.
It’s an attitude, a state of mind.

Being connected to myself - meaning that I’m focused on the things and people who vibe with that energy. There’s nothing hotter than making choices that make you feel GOOD and live better.

Channeling my inner goddess and radiating the most incredible energy - for myself.

Talent Credit:

Photographer Brian Tampol @trianbampol @dureen
Studio @studio__ism
Jewelry @autograph_jewelry
Mariah Dyson @mariahdyson

Mayra Gutierrez @corazonofmelon
Sheela Awe @sheelaawe


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